Law Enforcement Inquiry

Law Enforcement / Regulatory Agency Request Guidelines

What is Spoofing?

To submit Information Requests or Subpoenas directed to Local Access LLC by Law Enforcement or Regulatory agencies please direct all requests to Local Access LLC in the form of a Subpoena, Court Order, or Search Warrant issued by or for the benefit of their agency in any of the following methods:

  1. Via email to:
  2. Via fax to: 443.782.2518
  3. Via our website form below
  4. Mailed or delivered to our Compliance Support Service at the following address:
Local Access LLC
Compliance Support
1213-J Liberty Road #104
Eldersburg, MD 21784


Please email us if you are in doubt regarding whether your message was delivered.

 We recommend that you call to confirm processing if a response is not received within five (5) business days after submission.


In lieu of submitting an Information Request, a Law Enforcement Agency declaring the existence of exigent circumstances should send an appropriate written statement certifying the nature of an emergency involving immediate danger of death or serious physical injury.

The statement must be submitted on agency letterhead. Transmission via email is preferred in the interest of timeliness. For after hours emergency situations, please contact our Network Operation Center (“NOC”) at 886.841.7898.

To Ensure Accuracy in our Response:

Telephone number portability results in the movement of numbers routinely between carriers, resellers and customers. For Information related to the customer of a telephone number, please specify the following:

  1. The target number
  2. The period for which information is sought (e.g. from xx/xx/xxxx to xx/xx/xxxx)

Timeliness of Our Response:

In the interest of timeliness, please provide an email address to which a response can be provided.

Generally, Local Access does not provide service to individuals/consumers. Our customers are service providers – wireline, wireless, VOIP, paging, text – who have the actual end user customers who receive calls. Currently our services only include Direct-Inward-Dial (DID) services – in other words calls can only be received on the phone numbers we provide – we do not offer Outbound calling – e.g. making calls from the phone numbers. Accordingly, our response will typically inform the requesting party of the name and contact information of the wholesale customer to whom the target number is assigned (to whom the agency must subsequently issue a further request to obtain information about the end user customer). Local Access LLC understands the importance of a timely response to these Requests. Some matters may take longer than others to research, however, and response times will fluctuate (for example requests for information beyond the contact info for the customer having the target number).


In compliance with the Federal Communications Commission Order concerning Customer

Proprietary Network Information (“CPNI”) and the company’s CPNI Policy, customer information cannot be released without a valid subpoena, court order, search warrant or other formal demand from an agency authorized to request such information.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Agency (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone number (required)


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    1. Civil Subpoenas